
Thursday, April 13, 2023

Firewater BBQ - Take 2

We were going to be in the Geneva area, and my husband asked what my thoughts were on going back to Firewater BBQ. We liked their food the previous time we'd been there, a couple years ago, but had not been back. We'd encountered a minor hiccup the previous time we were there, that despite asking the cashier repeated what was gluten free, what sauces were gluten free, and confirming what sides were gluten free, my meat was placed on top of a piece of bread on my tray. 

They were nice and made a new tray for me and apologized, and I apologized as well, that since it was our first time, I didn't realize a random piece of bread would be on the tray, since Nothing mentioned it on the menu, and I'd said 'gluten free' at least a dozen times while ordering, the gal never mentioned it to me.

Fast forward 2 years, and we were heading over to Penrose Brewing (again) and we thought we'd pick up some food to nosh from somewhere different this time. So we opted to order from Firewater and take it with. I double checked their website, which now mentions Gluten Free options and gives some guidance on what is safe or not. When we got there right away I ordered first, and told the gentleman taking my order, "No Bread, Gluten Free!" I confirmed which sauces were gluten free, and reconfirmed the sides listed on the site were gluten free. My husband ordered his food and we waited for our togo order. They were starting to get backed up with orders, while we grabbed napkins, silverware and pickles. They have prepaked pickles and jalapenos you can have with your food! 

When they finally called our order number I grabbed the bag and while my husband and I exchanged a look, I told him I felt like I needed to check my food. Sure enough I open my container and BAM! There is a hunk of Corn Bread on top of the paper holding my meat. I lifted the paper up and could see the crumbs on the meat as well. Once I got a hold of one of the people packing food I nicely told her I'd told the cashier who took our order I was gluten free and specifically said no bread. He'd told me to "hold on let me type this in." The person who seemed to be the manager walked over and asked what was going on, I re-explained to him, and he said "yeah it's contaminated let me take care of this, there was no note." I told him again "I specifically told your cashier No Bread!" He said he'd talk to him and remade my meal. 

When we got to Penrose with our food my husband looked at his and commented he should have said his was gluten free also, so we could share, cause his had a slice of plain old white bread in the bottom. I laughed cause he commented they could have at least buttered it or toasted it so it wasn't just cheap white bread with his ribs. 

The food was good, the sauces are very tasty. There was one sauce I couldn't have, and it was either the mustard or the vinegar one, which I didn't mind at all, I'm really more of a traditional Chicago sauce or Alabama White sauce person, and they had Alabama white sauce so I was super happy! For anyone who hasn't had Alabama White sauce before, it's great on Pork and Chicken, amazing on wings. You have to try it at least once! 

Over all I give them 3 dragonflies, while we love the food, and their website makes it seem like they understand, ultimately, they're a chain and understanding is only as good as the people making and serving the food. So if you order with them be prepared to talk your self silly requesting a safe meal, and still need it to be remade! 

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