
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Gluten Free Expo 2015 round 2 of reviews.

On to the next group of reviews from the expo. - This was a mix of products I purchased and some new and familiar brands that again all excited me.

Red Apple Lipstick - Red Apple make amazing lip products that are gluten free. I'll be honest, I don't wear lipstick, never have. I maybe wear a little mocha colored tint, but that's it for me. I bite and lick my lips too much that I'd always be re-applying it. I do like eye shadow and liners. I decided I'm due for some new make-up. They have a small color collection which thankfully were in my palate, light hews and some neutral colors. They are pricey, but if you compare against a brand like Urban Decay, which is my go to for GF eye colors it's comparable, and Red Apple goes on smooth and lite as well.

Bears Super Fine Rice Flour – This was a new brand for the show and they had baking mixes and straight flour using super fine rice flour. What was great, was despite being a rice flour it didn’t taste like rice. So many flours that use rice leave a rice taste in your mouth this one did not, and it actually had lift and fluffiness to it. I got a bag of their donut mix to try out and make some baked donuts one morning.

Delights Stuffed Sandwiches; who debuted their products in this are at the show last year. In a nutshell these are the Gluten Free Hot Pockets. If you've been to Aldi's you've seen these in the frozen section for the past 8-10 months. They carry two flavors, Southwest and Peperoni. Well Delights is excited to say that come July Aldi's is going to have 2 additional flavors from their product line. Ham and Cheese as well as Spinach Cheese with kale. The outside dough is a bit dry and dusty even when microwaved. So make sure you have something to drink when eating them, but they are pretty tasty.  

Kiki's Gluten Free - Kiki's has been at the expo in the past demonstrating their spinach pockets and cherry pockets. Their crust is super flaky and tasty and is another product everyone in my family loves. Now Kiki's has developed a deep dish pizza! If you've spent any part of your life in Chicago you KNOW that's a big deal. Their pizza will be at Pizzano's and Gulliver's. It tasted like the read deal. Real Deep Dish pizza! It wasn't gooey, it didn't fall apart and was worthy of a second tasting. We for sure will be hitting up Pizzano's soon to get some pizza! It's been years (about 7+ since I've enjoyed a meal at a Pizzano's!

Lovely Candy Co - I remember falling in love with their caramels last year. This year I made a bee-line right to the table the moment I saw they were giving out samples of their new licorice. I LOVE licorice, and that has been horribly sad that I can't get licorice when I have a craving. I honestly pick up every new brand I see and flip over to see if maybe there is a wheat free option available. Their caramels and chocolate smidgens are soft and tasty. Even better; a lot of retailers carry these. So if you're shopping at HomeGoods, or hitting up the pharmacy at Target or CVS you can pick up a bag and keep on snacking! 

Hudsonville Ice Cream - This brand is more familiar with me, because of our many trips to Michigan, because Hudsonville makes my brothers girlfriends favorite ice cream. Superman. They were tasting awesome sized portions of their Mackinac fudge ice cream, and Soy Free Strawberry at the Expo. These are two of the 20 ice creams they have that are labeled gluten free. they were tasty and super refreshing after 2 hours on our feet!.

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