
Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Augustino's Rock and Roll Deli

Augustino's Rock and Roll Deli has 2 locations one in West Chicago, the other in Carol Stream. We drive by the one in West Chicago any time we have to go out to St. Charles. We'd stopped once a long time back, the food was OK, it was a good quick stop, with a fun atmosphere. Both locations are done up with a Rock and Roll 1960's theme inside and out. Really you can't miss their West Chicago location, it stands out on North Ave.

I remember meeting the owners at the gluten free expo in 2012. They were Very proud of their gluten free options because their little girl had celiac disease and they wanted her to eat safely at their restaurants. I was excited they served up some great burgers at the expo, and they were on a bun! Score! So while being out in the area, we thought we'd give them a try.

Gluten free was not marked anywhere on the meny boards, so if you didn't know they did gluten free, nothing would alert you to ask about gluten free options. I was a bit disappointed in that. But waited patiently inline and asked the girl behind the counter if they had a listing of gluten free options. She rambled for a bit about bread and finally asked if I'd like to read the menu. (Finally!) The GF menu states the Philly W/O fries or chips. She kept telling me they came with the meal, so I should get them. When I asked if they were fried safe she said no, so I asked if the bagged chips could be subbed she said No again, but the other ones come with, I told her the GF menu says no fries or chips, which miffed me because if they come with, I'm being Ripped off! Especially if there is no GF substitution for the side.

I wanted to like them, I really did, I didn't like the lack of a safe replacement side dish. I was annoyed that the girl taking the order seemed so complacent, like I was bothering her, and that my meal that's falling all over the place didn't come with silverware.

I give them 3 dragonflies, their "Gluten Freedom" could be more free'ing and give you more options especially for a full meal. It wouldn't hurt to have a safe side dish. Trained staff that doesn't seem annoyed and unknowable would be a great addition as well. Place to stop when passing by, but not a place I would seek out to dine at.

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