
Monday, June 24, 2013

Pillsbury Gluten Free Doughs

After the announcement that Pillsbury was going to have a refrigerated dough for cookies, pies and pizza's I was ecstatic. I use to love the dough boy, I have been looking forward to being friends again!! :)

Every time I'd go in to any grocery store in my area I'd wander over to the dairy case and see if they happened to have the Pillsbury gluten free dough. I finally found it on a recent trip to Mariano's in Arlington Heights. I know I let out a bit of a squeal of excitement, because the gentlemen studying the cream cheese labels looked up with a confused look and went back to studying the labels. (I say studying because he was there when I walked into the aisle, and after taking photo's texting friends, and figuring out what I wanted to get, he was Still staring at the label.)

It wasn't my turn to make dinner, so I decided to slave over making cookies... Wait, all I had to do was scoop them out of the tub onto the cookie sheet, whoa, whoa, how cool!!!!

Aaahhh~ How exciting, normally I don't have a lot of time for cooking or baking, so having a quick prepared option was amazing. I got the chocolate chip cookie mix, and I am considering getting the pizza crust to make calzones!

I happened to burn a few of the smaller ones, but it wasn't a complete waste, they were still very tasty right out of the oven. We had a few after dinner, and left the rest for the next day. They were just as good completely cooled the next day. My dad couldn't believe they were from straight from the tub. I was so happy. I hope this product does make it in the gluten free market because it's a great, quick option for making meals. I'm thinking a calzone night, with a pie for dessert might be in our future!!

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